Source code for web_poet.exceptions.core

Core Exceptions

These exceptions are tied to how **web-poet** operates.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

    from web_poet import HttpRequest

__all__ = [

[docs] class RequestDownloaderVarError(Exception): """The ``web_poet.request_downloader_var`` had its contents accessed but there wasn't any value set during the time requests are executed. See the documentation section about :ref:`setting up the contextvars <setup-contextvars>` to learn more about this. """
[docs] class PageObjectAction(ValueError): """Base class for exceptions that can be raised from a page object to indicate something to be done about that page object."""
[docs] class Retry(PageObjectAction): """The page object found that the input data is partial or empty, and a request retry may provide better input."""
[docs] class UseFallback(PageObjectAction): """The page object cannot extract data from the input, but the input seems valid, so an alternative data extraction implementation for the same item type may succeed."""
[docs] class NoSavedHttpResponse(AssertionError): """Indicates that there is no saved response for this request. Can only be raised when a :class:`~.HttpClient` instance is used to get saved responses. :param request: The :class:`~.HttpRequest` instance that was used. :type request: HttpRequest """ def __init__( self, msg: Optional[str] = None, request: Optional[HttpRequest] = None ): self.request = request if msg is None: msg = f"There is no saved response available for this HTTP Request: {self.request}" super().__init__(msg)