Source code for web_poet.page_inputs.browser

from typing import Optional

import attrs

from web_poet.mixins import SelectableMixin, UrlShortcutsMixin

from .url import ResponseUrl

[docs]class BrowserHtml(SelectableMixin, str): """HTML returned by a web browser, i.e. snapshot of the DOM tree in HTML format. """ def _selector_input(self) -> str: return self
[docs]@attrs.define(auto_attribs=False, slots=False, eq=False) class BrowserResponse(SelectableMixin, UrlShortcutsMixin): """Browser response: url, HTML and status code. ``url`` should be browser's window.location, not a URL of the request, if possible. ``html`` contains the HTML returned by the browser, i.e. a snapshot of DOM tree in HTML format. The following are optional since it would depend on the source of the ``BrowserResponse`` if these are available or not: ``status`` should represent the int status code of the HTTP response. """ url: ResponseUrl = attrs.field(converter=ResponseUrl) html: BrowserHtml = attrs.field(converter=BrowserHtml) status: Optional[int] = attrs.field(default=None, kw_only=True) def _selector_input(self) -> str: return self.html